JM Team Retreat 2018 – Duino, Italien
Usually, we take care of internal projects during our retreats, test new technologies or devote our time to particularly tricky problems. The focus is on interpersonal aspects and team development. Since our last retreats in Lisbon and Las Palmas took place in an urban context, this year we wanted to focus on accommodation that provides us with a lot of space and comfort, while the touristic aspect was treated more subtle. So we drove with two cars towards Duino-Aurisina, a seaside resort on the Adriatic coast. Because the accommodation was so spacious and comfortable, trips were rather rare this time. Even for dinner it was agreed that two people would prepare dinner for everyone at least once. Of course, the surroundings were nice enough to linger by the sea in the evening or to go to neighboring Trieste for an Italian dinner della Nonna.
This year, too, corresponded to the very welcome trend of topping the previous year …

There might be worse work places.