XMas Charity
Give respect…
Our yearly give aways for Christmas might be many things – original, tasty, amusing or maybe just useful… But they are neither sustainable, nor protective and most certainly not lifesaving. Therefore we decided to donate the budget of this years Christmas gifts to organisations that stand up for these qualities. Out of different fields we have chosen engagements that moved us on an either ideological, conceptional and/or technical level. To which organisation your share of the donation shall go, you can choose on the following pages. So take a break, brew a tea, and get to know a couple of very remarkable projects. They all deserve to be seen and supported.
Here’s how you do it:
1. Open links and read the project descriptions
2. Choose an organisation and fill out the typeform
3. We are going to donate CHF 20.– to the selected organisation
Thank you. Merry Christmas.